
Emballage refers to the structure, shape, packaging design, packaging physics, and container body of a product
• Protection Against impact, heat, oxygen, UV
• Impermeability resistance to evaporation, and drying
• Informing how retention, removal, and standards
• Simplicity in distribution, handling, display, sale, usage
• Environment chemical and environmental damage reduction
• Sale marketing and persuading customers
Packaging variety!
Increasing the power of competition
Which product of the same quality and price category does the final consumer prefer?
Impact on the market
Presenting an old product in a new and impressive shape and appearance that can show off the differences
absorbing various tastes
Covering a wide range of customer tastes with a sole model plays an important role in reducing costs and ease of distribution.
Product owners accept the additional cost of attractive packaging because packaging entices customers to buy.

Packaging Features

Durable and safe
Extending the life of the product and protecting the product from shock, heat, oxygen, UV radiation means preserving the merchant’s capital.
The packaging of cosmetic products must be resistant to the volatility of solvents in order to prevent drying out or spoilage of the product.
Reducing chemical and environmental damage is one of the goals of Sedma R&D group in package choosing and designing
The packaging must be clean and prevent the transfer of environmental contamination to the products.
Geographical, cultural, religious, and linguistic influences are very effective in terms of designing appeal, and designing a unique package is essential to fully satisfy high needs.
Bottle, tube, Cartridge
Which containers are in harmony with the fashion and are liked by consumers?
Which container manufacturers are also manufacturers of accessories?
design & packaging
Which shape, color, type of packaging is suitable?
Which design, logo, model has a greater impact?
which relation is between the volume of containers the price?
How many products should be in one package?